Applications of the Human Reference Atlas

Preview: Demonstration Applications

Preview: Improve Cell Type Annotations

Given a RUI Location, return the predicted cell type population.

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Preview: Predict 3D Spatial Origin of Tissue Samples

Given a Cell Type Population, return relevant Anatomical Structures, Datasets, and RUI Locations from the HRA.

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Preview: Explore Biomarker Expressions for Cell Types

Use the Exploration User Interface to examine anatomical structures, cell types, and biomarkers.

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Preview: Functional Tissue Unit Explorer

Examine cell type abundance and biomarker expression values for functional tissue units (FTUs).

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Preview: Cell Distance Explorer

Compute, visualize, and explore distance distributions between different cells, cell types, anatomical structures, and more.

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Preview: Use Atlas Components

Explore, use, and share HRA web components to improve data access and analysis.

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Preview: Track Atlas Evolution and Usage

Explore usage statistics of atlas data and code.

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Full Applications

Exploration User Interface (EUI)

Use the EUI

Registration User Interface (RUI)

Use the RUI

ASCT+B Reporter

Use the ASCT+B Reporter